Wednesday, October 6, 2010

包菜胡萝卜汤 (Cabbage Carrot Soup)

  1. 1/4 包菜,切片
  2. 1/3 胡萝卜,切丁
  3. 酸菜少许,切成小段
  4. 1/3 长型鱼饼,切片
  5. 猪肉碎少许
  6. 江鱼仔少许
  7. 盐少许
  8. 清水一汤碗
  1. 用少许油爆香江鱼仔然后倒入清水继续煮。
  2. 把包菜,胡萝卜,酸菜放入汤中。
  3. 汤滚,加入猪肉碎和鱼饼。
  4. 煮十五分钟然后加入盐调味。
  1. 如果没把握,先试一试汤的味道再加盐(酸菜会使汤带咸)。
  2. 把材料减半,加入面,米粉或冬粉就可以变成一碗热腾腾的汤面了。

  1. 1/4 cabbage, cut into pieces
  2. 1/3 carrot, cut into pieces
  3. A little of pickled cabbage, cut into small piece
  4. 1/4 fish cake, cut into pieces
  5. A little bit of minced pork
  6. A little bit of dried anchovies (ikan bilis)
  7. A little bit of salt
  8. A soup bowl of plain water
  1. Uses some oil to fry the dried anchovies then pour in plain water continue boil the water.
  2. Put in cabbage, carrot and pickled cabbage into the soup.
  3. Put the minced pork and fish cake into the soup when the soup is boiling.
  4. Cook for 15 minutes then add in salt.
Additional Info:
  1. If no confidence with the taste of the soup, please try the taste before you add in salt. This is because soup will become salty after put in the pickled cabbage.
  2. Reduce the ingredients, add in noodle it can become a noddle soup.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

蚝油枸杞子蒸鸡 (Steam chicken with oyster sauce & barbary wolfberry fruit)


  1. L 型鸡腿一只

  2. 枸杞子一小撮

  3. 盐少许

  4. 蚝油两汤匙

  5. 胡椒粉少许

  6. 清水两汤匙

  1. 把鸡腿洗干净,切成三或四块。(买的时候可以叫鸡贩帮忙切好)
  2. 把鸡腿,蚝油,盐,清水和胡椒粉倒入瓷碗中,搅拌。
  3. 把枸杞子用水洗净,撒在鸡肉块上,腌五分钟。
  4. 电饭煲放入一碗水(饭碗)。
  5. 把鸡腿放入电饭煲中蒸二十分钟。
  1. 可以趁腌鸡腿的时间,用小铁/瓷碗拿一把米,洗米蒸饭。先把洗好的米放入电饭煲,再放入鸡腿。(注:电饭煲里会有两个碗哦,千万不要把米直接倒进电饭煲里煮!)二十分钟后,蚝油枸杞子蒸鸡腿 + 一碗香喷喷的百米饭就可以上桌咯~
  2. 枸杞子的功能:养肝,滋肾,明目,润肺。
Ingredients: (For one person)
  1. One L-shape drumstick
  2. A little bit of Barbary Wolfberry Fruit 
  3. A little bit of salt
  4. Two tablespoons of oyster sauce
  5. A little bit of pepper
  6. Two tablespoons of plain water
  1. Clean the drumstick then cut it into 3-4pcs. (you can ask the seller to cut for you)
  2. Put the drumstick, salt, oyster sauce, pepper and plain water into a big bowl then well mix.
  3. Wash the Barbary Wolfberry Fruit and put it on the top of the mixture, marinate for 5 minutes.
  4. Put a bowl of plain water into the rice cooker.
  5. Steam the chicken for 20 minutes.
Additional info:
  1. You can steam a bowl of rice together with the chicken in the rice cooker. When the chicken ready, you are served with a yummy steam chicken drumstick + a bowl of white rice.

  2. Barbary Wolfberry Fruit is the herb that can nourish liver & kidney, replenish vital essence to improve eyesight.